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Parody: Legal, Ethical and Organizational Communication in Landmark Court Cases

Parody has been a part of media and entertainment for centuries, with seemingly few public figures escaping notice. Parody and satire, particularly in politics and with public figures, dates back at least to a political cartoon by Benjamin Franklin from 1754, predating the United States as a country7. From political Read more…

The value of returning to school

When I was attending the University of Wyoming, back when Deinonychus was roaming around, I wanted to be a civil engineer.

Well, let’s back up a moment. I wanted to be an architectural engineer. Before that, an architect.

As you could probably tell, I didn’t know what I wanted to be. I grew up only wanting to be an author, but at the time there was no internet to get feedback with. In little odd town Wyoming, there were no mentors, no people to pass stories on by, so I let it go. At the same time, my family pushed for me to get a “real” job, and when my father passed away halfway through my senior year in high school, engineering seemed like the fit. (more…)