I’m having fun with the Alphabeasts project (visit http://alphabeasts.tumblr.com/ for more info), it’s making me really think about what I want to do for it. The creatures are all different as well, so it’s a good challenge to come up with different textures and ideas. On top of that, getting away from working with photos, while a good project on its own, has been good for my confidence.

This week’s creature is an Eloko, from the Mongo-Nkundo language. It’s a sort of dwarf creature, mean as all can be. Here’s a description from http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Eloko:

The Biloko [plural for Eloko] live in hollow trees and are dressed only in leaves. They have no hair; only grass grows on ther bodies; they have piercing eyes, snouts with mouths that can be opened wide enough to admit a human body, alive or dead, and long, sharp claws. They possess little bells, which, in Central Africa are believed to be able to cast a spell on passers-by.

As always let me know what you think, and make sure to check out all the other great Alphabeasts. Click on the image for a larger version too.